VBS at First Saints just ended and its fund to take a step back and think about what we’ve learned:
13. It is possible to fit an entire person inside a bubble.
12. Even a fake thunderstorm can be scary.
11. Pigs can fly.
10. RC helicopters do not do well in sanctuaries with ceiling fans.
9. You can always tell when a man is wearing a toupee.
8. Balloons remind people of clowns (& that’s not a good association).
7. Most adults are kids, but when they got bigger – they forgot. VBS helps them remember.
6. Band-Aids cure everything short of a broken bone.
5. Having kids sing praises to God is worth them standing on the chairs.
4. Smiles are deep magic.
3. Hugs from kids are cheaper than professional therapy and generally more effective.
2. It all comes down to … TRUST GOD!
1. God’s clean is more powerful than my dirty.
~ Godspeed