For the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about dreams – Big, Holy, Audacious, God-given dreams. God has planted these dreams in each of us, but for a variety of reasons we lose sight of them. They get obscured by the struggles that life throws our way, but they never completely disappear.
I was excited about this series of sermons for the couple of weeks before we started it, but I’m even more excited now that we’re two weeks in. What has me excited the most is hearing what is starting to emerge as people reconnect with those dreams that have been long buried.
The excitement and energy is starting to get contagious. Every day I get another e-mail from someone who is discovering a dream, realizing that their dream is unfolding in front of them, or seeing that they are already in the middle of the dream God wants them to fulfill.
God has a dream for you, too. It’s a dream tailor-made for you. Seek it. Find it.
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