Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Litany of Broken Promises

Sunday at the Refinery we talked about the "stone" of broken promises. We shared a responsive reading called "A Litany of Broken Promises."

Faithful and Loving God, you claimed a people and made covenant with them to be their God.
They embraced you and said you would be their one and only God.

You led Israel through the wilderness and brought them to the foot of Your Mountain.
You gave them the covenant of your Law to guide and protect them.

They sinned against you and made an idol for themselves to worship.
What was written on tablets of stone was broken.

You ruled over your people, but they wanted to be like the other nations.
So You gave them the king that they so desired.

They removed their trust from you and placed it in an earthly king.
What was written on tablets of stone was broken

You sought us out and made with us a new covenant.
Once we were no people; but now we were your people.

You rescued us from the slavery of sin and death through the new covenant in Jesus Christ.
One not of stone, but written on our hearts.

But we have not loved you with an everlasting love.
What was written on our hearts has been broken.

We have failed to be obedient to your Law.
What was written on our hearts has been broken.

We have neglected the poor, the downtrodden and the oppressed.
What was written on our hearts has been broken.

We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
What was written on our hearts has been broken.

We have neglected your will and your ways.
What was written on our hearts has been broken.

Forgive us for our broken promises.
Forgive us for we are broken people.

Free us from our hearts of stone. Confirm your covenant within us.
Until what was broken in our hearts has been healed.

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