In the course of the reading and reflecting on this chapter, I’ve read some writings from the Early Church Fathers. Church Fathers usually refers to a group of influential teachers, theologians and pastors whose writings were used as the foundation of Christian theology for centuries. Reading what they wrote as they reflected on Biblical passages gives me a lot insight about what the church thought and believed at its beginning. I want to share some of what they said as they reflected on Hebrews 11.
“Rejoice that whatever the shadows of the Old Testament used to veil beneath testimonies of prophets has been brought out into the open through the mystery of the Lord’s passion.” Sermon 69.2 by Leo the Great. {Leo was the Bishop of Rome from 440-461. He was a key figure at the Council of Chalcedon in 451.}
“For it is not possible to become a believer otherwise than by raising one’s self above the common customs of the world.” On the Epistle to the Hebrews 22.1-2 by Chrysostom {John Chrysostom was the Bishop of Constantinople and lived in the late 300’s through the early 400’s. He was known for his eloquence in preaching. That’s why he was given the Greek surname “Chrysostom” which means “golden-mouthed.}
“Please do not be ungrateful to the one who made you able to see; this is why you are able to believe what you are not yet able to see. God gave you eyes in your head, reason in your heart. Arouse the reason in your heart, get the inner inhabitant behind your inner eyes on his feet, let him take to his windows.” Sermon 126.3 by Augustine {Augustine lived in the late 300’s through the early 400’s. He was the Bishop of Hippo, a city near the Sea of Galilee. He is sometimes called the greatest theologian the church has ever had.}
~ Godspeed
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