Romans 13:11-2 – “Wake From Sleep”
The Presence of God – Worship today was filled with wonder (at least for me). The children helping to hang Crismons on the tree was a great moment, one memory that I hope to capture and hold onto this Advent.
Freedom – What does Advent (Christ’s coming) mean to captives and persecuted saints around the world? What hope is there in Advent for them? I’m reminded of Jesus words, “If the Son has set you free … you are freed indeed.” (John 8:36)
Consciousness – We put up the Advent calendar today.
It belonged to Carol’s family when she was a little girl and we’ve used it every year since John was born. When we gather around as a family it brings back a lot of memories. The felt “ornaments” for the little tree and the tattered pieces of paper with verses of Scripture on them would look tacky and worthless to a lot of people. To me, they are solid gold. It awakened Christmas in me.
The Word – The urgency in Paul’s words hit home with me this Advent. I’ve been praying for a Christmas season unlike any other I remember; for The Christ to invade my life like never before. I want something different this year.
Conversation – “Suppose we take these advertisements as a call to pray rather than to purchase.”
I want to wake up to Jesus this Advent in new and powerful ways. I want to leave Advent & Christmas with a new perspective on Jesus, myself and life. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. But it won’t happen unless I walk through this season differently. That will start by focusing myself each day on Jesus – and seeing my entire day through that lens.
Conclusion – This Advent is full of possibilities. I can’t wait to look back in few weeks and see where God has taken me. I’m ready for some change this Advent.
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